This vital PHOENIX pillar provides a platform for unified action on the climate crisis.

O.N.E. provides a space for organizations to collaborate as consortiums, resulting in elevated efficiency and efficacy
Right now, the world is facing an urgent climate catastrophe, and solution efforts, while well intended, are currently unaligned. Organizations, governments and individuals often work toward climate goals in an uncoordinated way. This leads to duplication, missed opportunities and a much slower rate of progress.
The WSS Organization Network Engine aims to change this by serving as a central hub that connects players across multiple sectors for a more unified approach to climate crisis resolution. It also provides tools and workspaces for cross-organizational teams to manage large-scale sustainability projects more efficiently. Through this engine, groups can easily find potential partners, share knowledge and resources, reduce redundancy and amplify their impacts.
To do all this, the platform utilizes AI technology to optimize global coordination in multiple ways, such as allocating funds and mobilizing resources to respond and prevent critical climate emergencies around the world. The goal is to accelerate the system-wide transformation needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

O.N.E. provides a space for organizations to collaborate as consortiums, resulting in elevated efficiency and efficacy
Right now, the world is facing an urgent climate catastrophe, and solution efforts, while well intended, are currently unaligned. Organizations, governments and individuals often work toward climate goals in an uncoordinated way. This leads to duplication, missed opportunities and a much slower rate of progress.
The WSS Organization Network Engine aims to change this by serving as a central hub that connects players across multiple sectors for a more unified approach to climate crisis resolution. It also provides tools and workspaces for cross-organizational teams to manage large-scale sustainability projects more efficiently. Through this engine, groups can easily find potential partners, share knowledge and resources, reduce redundancy and amplify their impacts.
To do all this, the platform utilizes AI technology to optimize global coordination in multiple ways, such as allocating funds and mobilizing resources to respond and prevent critical climate emergencies around the world. The goal is to accelerate the system-wide transformation needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Your donations help fund our programs and team members, which in turn makes PHOENIX pillars like O.N.E. viable.
For joint project teams working on high-impact climate solutions.
To discover climate initiatives and identify potential collaborators.
AI-Powered Analytics
That track and showcase progress on net-zero targets.
Targeted Recommendations
Of funding sources for scalable climate innovations.
Of ecosystem restoration, renewable energy, waste reduction and climate resilience.
By closely aligning public, private and civil society efforts around our shared net-zero goals, we can create momentum that accelerates climate action during this crucial decade. The WSS Organization Network Engine aims to provide this alignment infrastructure across sectors to drive change at the speed and scale necessary for realistic reduction to the effects of the climate crisis.

For joint project teams working on high-impact climate solutions.
To discover climate initiatives and identify potential collaborators.
AI-Powered Analytics
That track and showcase progress on net-zero targets.
Targeted Recommendations
Of funding sources for scalable climate innovations.
Of ecosystem restoration, renewable energy, waste reduction and climate resilience.
By closely aligning public, private and civil society efforts around our shared net-zero goals, we can create momentum that accelerates climate action during this crucial decade. The WSS Organization Network Engine aims to provide this alignment infrastructure across sectors to drive change at the speed and scale necessary for realistic reduction to the effects of the climate crisis.