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CERF Forever





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WSS Climate Emergency Response Forum

It’s Time to Rise!

image of WSS CERF Attendees

The Climate Crisis is something that we desperately need to solve. What humanity has been doing to address it has not adequately worked. New collaborative and collective approaches are now required as we have less than five years to act decisively and on a global scale. Then we must continue acting for the next 30 years in order to fully succeed. No single organization, institution or government is going to move the needle on the climate crisis. It is time for humanity to foundationally change how we live in this world. Only all of us working together can achieve sustainability and renew the natural ecosystem. 

We are gathering capable stakeholders from many different disciplines to collaborate for two days. In this workshop environment, we will engage this diverse group’s unique skill sets to creatively build new networks and solutions to effect catalytic changes that significantly move the needle on the climate crisis.

Part of the reason the needle hasn't moved significantly is that we haven't been able to collectively hold the various climate crisis dimensions in mind as individual humans or groups. Now with AI augmentation of cognitive processes, we have the ability to see the panorama of climate crisis dimensions, and to have direct effect on all of them in a way that is truly healing for our world. Results of this workshop will be used as a model of hyper-collaborative workshops and as a mechanism for accelerating global solutions development and deployment ahead of future symptoms of climate crisis disasters.


At CERF 1 in Greenville, SC, we designed and developed a system to accelerate the evolution of collective collaborative capacity in order for us to help save humanity and nature. Together, we initiated what can result in the shift in consciousness necessary to make global solutions possible. We proved a working model for ongoing transdisciplinary and diverse collaboration that includes ways to synchronize, synergize and catalyze global and local transformation and solutions efforts. We also developed a new workshop model for global capacity development to guide the world to move the needle on the climate crisis.

We also learned and designed foundational infrastructure needed for humanity to solve key components of the climate crisis and the larger poly-crisis. Each group came up with concrete tangible ideas, solutions, approaches, strategies and documented them, using conscious and intentional collaboration. 



  • 1

    Define a new quality of consciousness necessary to collaboratively generate optimal long-term solutions that will directly result in renewal, sustainability and reharmonization with the planet. 

  • 2

    Utilize the latest AI technology to accelerate collaborative team processes and co-creative solutions development.

  • 3

    We will collaboratively arrive at understandings of the true nature of effectively scalable sustainable solutions and what is practically required to affect them.

  • 4

    Learn to differentiate between traditional and humanistic values in order to effectively map and align innovative approaches to global solutions generation.

  • 5

    We will map and document the evolutionary path needed to transform currently non-sustainable world values into sustainable ones.

The output of this workshop, once synthesized via AI, will generate a method of transforming economic and organizational processes of local communities worldwide into global sustainability.

To join us for post-CERF collaboration, please open a free Discord account to be invited to our private server:



Preparatory & Day One Agenda:

Solution Design and Development

Objective: Utilize insights and learnings from the previous CERF to inform a highly focused and practical approach to solving specific socio-environmental challenges. Based on a hypothetical future scenario, the first day is dedicated to developing concrete, grounded solutions that can be applied in the real world to mitigate climate change and promote sustainability in the shortest time possible.

  • Review and Reflection: Begin with a recap of key takeaways from the previous CERF, highlighting successful strategies and areas needing improvement. This sets the stage for a continuity of process and purpose.  
  • Focused Workshops: Engage in targeted workshops aimed at tackling predefined environmental problems. These sessions are designed around specific tasks and goals identified prior to the forum, ensuring a streamlined and effective solution development process
  • Showcasing Continuity: Highlight the evolutionary process from CERF one to now, demonstrating how past insights have shaped the current approach to developing real-world solutions. 
  • Collaborative Practical Solution Development: Utilize a mix of expert-led and sessions to design practical, scalable solutions. This involves integrating technology, policy, and community engagement in a holistic approach and collaboration evolution process to environmental problem-solving for the common good. 
  • AI-Augmented Practical Solution Development: Conducted real time via transdisciplinary expert ai-support personas. AI- synthesized or produced outputs from this day will support and feed the solutions generated process of the second workshop day. 

Day Two Agenda:

Values Evaluation and Implementation

Objective: With practical solutions in hand, day two shifts focus to the underlying values necessary to support the funding, coordination, distribution, and expansion of these solutions. This involves a deep dive into the ethical, social, and economic values that must underpin our actions to address the new circumstances presented by the climate crisis.

  • Values Assessment Workshop: Conduct sessions aimed at identifying and aligning on the core values that will drive and guide the implementation of the solutions developed on day one. This includes sustainability, equity, resilience, innovation and socio-ergonomic and political willingness to adopt solutions. 
  • Implementation Strategies: Explore how to operationalize these values in the real-world application of our solutions, and to transform our current values into those that will support sustainability, reharmonization and renewal. This covers funding mechanisms, partnership models, distribution channels, and communication strategies.
  • Value-Driven Coordination: Discuss and design collaborative frameworks, transformational educational frameworks and strategies for coordinating efforts across different sectors and communities, ensuring that the deployment of solutions is inclusive and equitable.
  • Articulating the Narrative: Craft compelling narratives and supportive educational materials and approaches around the solutions and the values they embody, preparing participants to effectively communicate and advocate for these initiatives while taking personal and collective ownership and accountability for their ongoing transformational process, and to support community building participation. 


We have the collaborative opportunity to reimagine the values systems necessary to enable sustainable life processes.

AI augmented collaboration is the antidote to the climate crisis.

Our current way of life and technology base and way of developing solutions is creating the climate crisis. 

Our current non-collaborative and unscalable approaches, however well intended, will not solve the climate crisis in the time available. A new paradigm is required!

We must collaboratively and collectively define and enact new approaches and paradigms. 

Participants realize we must build the collective global capacity in order to affect necessary transformational change into sustainability, now!

There is no higher or superordinate goal or priority. Sustainability and reharmonization with the planet is the goal and priority, all others are secondary.

There must be scalable, dedicated centralized global commons systems and technology to affect this new paradigm.

Accept and understand that we must now act to foundationally restructure our ways of life, ways of developing and using all technology and our collective economic processes to generate full sustainability.

It is vital that the ecosystem and all other species be represented as equal to human populations in all systems of global governance and solutions developments from now on.

We must create a highly organized global collaborative community effort to transform the world into sustainability now!

We must all learn to do more with less and to live and have less moving forward.

We must learn and accept that there is NO option for limitless growth of any organization, nation or economy within a finite planetary and ecosystem resources space.

Growth must be transcended as a standard of success by all nations, economies, organizations and peoples.

There is no potential for a future nation winner, in any military, combative or economic competitive process that does not bring about global economic collapse.

We can only now collaborate and work together in hope, trust and faith for the common good if we as national entities want to continue in a viable way.

As the various pressures of the climate crisis increase, there is no future for global or national humanity that is viable that is not based on love, trust, faith, collaboration, inclusiveness, fairness, equality, ethics and morals.

Our current systems are not designed to, nor are they ready to solve the climate crisis.  We need a new system, approach and paradigm.


A collaboration and education technology infrastructure is being designed by World Systems Solutions to bring individuals, organizations and nations into a functionally aligned union to give people, organizations and government institutions a way to collaborate quickly and proactively to solve the most pressing environmental issues.

The output from the participants in these workshops will be substantive solutions and abilities to change in all necessary ways for humanity to solve the climate crisis.

A collaboration and education technology infrastructure is being designed by World Systems Solutions to bring individuals, organizations and nations into a functionally aligned union to give people, organizations and government institutions a way to collaborate quickly and proactively to solve the most pressing environmental issues.

The output from the participants in these workshops will be substantive solutions and abilities to change in all necessary ways for humanity to solve the climate crisis.

We welcome corporate and organizational sponsorships for this event.



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